Media Arts

Offers an overview of library materials related to Media Arts, Graphic Design, and more!

Find Books

  • Start at the library's home page and use the "Start Your Research Here" search box. 

Limit to Circulating Books to find print books to borrow.

  • Our library has about 30,000 print books.

Limit to Ebooks to find electronic versions of books. You can download and read chapters.

  • Our library has about 200,000 electronic books. 

Search Terms to Try

Please try the following search terms when searching for library materials related to Media Arts:

Graphic Design*

Graphic Art*


Typographic Design

Computer Graphics

Computer Art




Commercial Art

Visual Communication

Digital Images

Digital Media


Media Art*

SUNY Adirondack Media Arts Labs and Lending Library

The media arts lab schedules are as follows (as of Oct. 24, 2022):

Photo Lab - Washington 08

  • Monday - 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday - 4pm-8pm
  • Thursday - 8am-12pm; 4pm-8pm

Makerspace Lab - Washington 11A

  • Monday - 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday - 4pm-8pm
  • Thursday - 4pm-8pm

Media Arts Lab - Washington 124

  • Friday - 12pm-5pm

Mini Lab - Washington 125 (8-computer open lab)

  • Monday - 8am-11am; 12:30pm-2pm; 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday - 8am-8pm
  • Wednesday - 8am-11am; 12:30pm-2pm; 4pm-8pm - 
  • Thursday - 8am-8pm
  • Friday - 10am-8pm

Media Arts Lending Library - Washington G13

Students can borrow media arts equipment for courses: cameras, computers, lighting equipment, and any other equipment needs that a student might require to complete their course work. As long as a student is enrolled in a media arts course, they are eligible to check out equipment from the lending library. All they need is a student ID, email address and Banner number. The hours for the lending library are as follows:

  • Monday 10am-2pm
  • Tuesday 11am-3pm
  • Wednesday 10am-2pm
  • Thursday 11am-3pm
  • Friday 10am-1pm

For more information: email Jessika Erickson at:

SUNY Adirondack Library has some of the New Media Lending Library's books available.

See below for a list of print books and e-books available at the Library: 

Accessibility Statement