Photography & Photojournalism

Find the best photography resources with this guide!

Find Books

  • Start at the library's home page and use the "Start Your Research Here" search box. 

Limit to Circulating Books to find print books to borrow.

  • Our library has about 30,000 print books.

Limit to Ebooks to find electronic versions of books. You can download and read chapters.

  • Our library has about 200,000 electronic books. 

Photography Books by Call Number

TR1-1050 Photography

TR250-265 Cameras

TR287-500 Photographic processing. Darkroom technique

TR504-508 Transparencies. Diapositives

TR510-545 Color photography

TR550-581 Studio and laboratory

TR590-620 Lighting

TR624-835 Applied photography-Including artistic, commercial, medical photography, photocopying processes

TR845-899 Cinematography. Motion pictures                                                                                                                    

TR925-1050 Photomechanical processes

Searching for Photography-Related Library Materials

Copy and paste subjects like these into the book database:

Documentary photography
Photographers, Biography
Photography, Artistic
Celebrities portraits
Pictorial works
Portrait photography

If you are researching a well-known photographer, search by his or her name (try last name first) to see if the Library owns an entire book on that person. If not, search by one of the broad subjects listed below, and check the indexes in the back of the books you find for your photographer's name.

Also think of specific historical events, places, people, or time periods that were subjects of newspapers or magazine articles documentaries.  Some subject headings examples are:

Abused women, Pictorial works
Jews, Europe, Eastern
World War, 1939-1945            
United States, History, 1961-1969
Cities and towns United States
Vietnamese Conflict

Subject headings may include the subheading "Portraits" or "Pictorial works" if the books are largely pictorial or photographic.  Try searching by those terms also, or combine them with another subject using "and," such as: Pictorial works and Vietnam.


Free E-books from Getty Publications

eBooks from EBSCOhost

EBSCO ebooks logo

SUNY Adirondack Media Arts Labs and Lending Library

The media arts lab schedules are as follows (as of Oct. 24, 2022):

Photo Lab - Washington 08

  • Monday - 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday - 4pm-8pm
  • Thursday - 8am-12pm; 4pm-8pm

Makerspace Lab - Washington 11A

  • Monday - 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday - 4pm-8pm
  • Thursday - 4pm-8pm

Media Arts Lab - Washington 124

  • Friday - 12pm-5pm

Mini Lab - Washington 125 (8-computer open lab)

  • Monday - 8am-11am; 12:30pm-2pm; 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday - 8am-8pm
  • Wednesday - 8am-11am; 12:30pm-2pm; 4pm-8pm - 
  • Thursday - 8am-8pm
  • Friday - 10am-8pm

Media Arts Lending Library - Washington G13

Students can borrow media arts equipment for courses: cameras, computers, lighting equipment, and any other equipment needs that a student might require to complete their course work. As long as a student is enrolled in a media arts course, they are eligible to check out equipment from the lending library. All they need is a student ID, email address and Banner number. The hours for the lending library are as follows:

  • Monday 10am-2pm
  • Tuesday 11am-3pm
  • Wednesday 10am-2pm
  • Thursday 11am-3pm
  • Friday 10am-1pm

For more information: email Jessika Erickson at:

SUNY Adirondack Library has some of the New Media Lending Library's books available.

See below for a list of print books and e-books available at the Library: 

Accessibility Statement