If you want to browse our physical collection, children's and young adult books are located in the PZ section, while books about children's and young adult literature are located in PN 1008.2 - 1009, PS 490, and Z 1037. You can also use the Start Your Research Here box to find our book and ebook collection or find a specific title or author. And you can explore some of the searches linked below.
Some suggested search terms:
Children's fiction
Children's literature
Children's poetry
Children's stories
Fairy tales
Juvenile fiction
Juvenile literature
Juvenile poetry
Young adult fiction
Young adult literature
A few search tips: To limit your search (or one of the ones linked below) to physical books, scroll down to Library Location on the search results page and select Circulating. To find a specific book or author, search the author's name last name first or the title of the book and limit the search to Books.
Any of the books listed in this guide that have a blue title and no call number are ebooks. Click on the title to go directly to these books if you are on campus! If you are off campus, you will need to click on the title and then login with your username and password.
We have a small collection of children's literature mainly in the PZ call number area. This collection includes many Caldecott, Newbery, and Printz (YA) Award winners. For a wider or different selection of children's and young adult literature, consider visiting your local public library. The public library closest to the SUNY Adirondack Queensbury campus is Crandall Public Library and the one closest to our Saratoga Branch campus is Saratoga Springs Public Library. SUNY Adirondack students can sign up for a library card at Crandall Public Library or at the library closest to your residence. Both Crandall and Saratoga Springs Public Library are part of the Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS) and you can easily search their shared catalog through the SALS catalog link below. If you have a library card at any SALS library, you can check out books at any SALS library and request books be sent to the nearest SALS library for you to pick up. SALS also has an ebook and e-audiobook collection (called SALON) which you can use if you have a library card at a SALS library.
If you need a specific book and neither the SUNY Adirondack Library nor your local public library has it, you can place an InterLibrary Loan (ILL) request for it through the SUNY Adirondack Library. Just ask for an ILL form at the Reference desk.