INT204/INT206: International Education Courses

This guide will assist students who are taking an International Education course, and faculty teaching these courses.

Upcoming International Education Courses

The next International Education course will travel to Ireland, March 8-17, 2024.

Offering International Education Courses

This page is intended for SUNY Adirondack faculty members who are interested in learning more about offering International Education courses. 

Prof. John Arpey is the coordinator of SUNY Adirondack's International Education program. Contact him through the college's Business Division (518-743-2200 ext. 7730). Please contact him for information about proposing an International Education course, and to get a copy of the International Education Handbook.

Library Instructional Support

When an International Studies course is approved, faculty should notify the librarians at They will review the library's collection for materials about the destination and purchase current materials as needed.

  • Librarians will also develop a library research guide listing books, reference and article databases and websites for students to use for their research projects. The research guide will be posted on the library's web page and can be linked in Blackboard.

SUNY Global

SUNY Global provides extensive information on study abroad programs, conferences, grants, system-wide international initiatives, and more: 

Research Project Help

To schedule a library research session for your course:

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