INT204/INT206: International Education Courses

This guide will assist students who are taking an International Education course, and faculty teaching these courses.

Upcoming International Education Course: Barcelona

SUNY Adirondack's next international travel experience is March 7 to 15 to Barcelona, Spain.

For more information, see this page: 

Here is a general factsheet about the International Education program: 

Library Research Guides

Types of Courses

The three- or four-credit International Education courses begin in either the fall or spring semester, with travel occurring over winter, spring and summer breaks. Details about these courses are on Banner:  

  • INT 204 - International Study - Interdisciplinary opportunities for students to earn credit through SUNY Adirondack sponsored travel abroad. Travel portion of the course includes daily physical activity of walking, site exploration and tour travel. Three to four credit hours. 
  • INT 208 - International Service Learning - Service learning combines academic rigor with practical application of information, skills, and critical decision making. Three credit hours.

Passport Information

Each student on an international trip must have a valid passport. 

  • If you have a passport, check that is it valid during the travel time plus at least six months.
  • If you need to renew or get a passport, start the process as soon as possible - it can take up to two months. 

Travel and Health Insurance

Talk to your instructors about options for travel insurance (in case you need to cancel the trip, lose luggage or have other emergency circumstances) as well as international medical insurance. 

Travel Safety

Faculty and students can opt to receive travel warnings and travel alerts by enrolling in the U.S. Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP):

This site offers travel safety information: 

Medical and Trip Insurance

International Education students will be enrolled in SUNY health and trip insurance plans. The faculty or Dr. John Arpey can provide this insurance information to students when they sign the participation agreement.

Health Information and Immunizations

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control lists information about health conditions in various countries, and recommendations for disease prevention. Search for a country with this link:

Check with your personal physician about possible immunizations needed for your trip. Immunizations are often available at county Public Health offices. Ask about their fees in advance, to know what might be covered by health insurance. 

Saratoga Hospital in Malta offers immunizations that might be difficult to obtain from local county public health offices: 

International Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Joyce A. Miller
Above: Joyce on college's 2017 trip to Ecuador, with live volcano Cotopaxi.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Library Science; Part-time Reference Librarian (two days a week during Spring & Fall semesters). Liaison to Business and Science Divisions.
SUNY Adirondack, 640 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804
(Please call me Joyce, or Professor Miller.)

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