For Faculty: Scheduling Library Sessions

This page offers information for faculty at SUNY Adirondack and the SUNY Plattsburgh Branch Campus.

All library instruction sessions must be booked prior to the start of the semester -- no exceptions! 

Types of Library Sessions

  • For ENG101: These introduce the research process and basic database research strategies. 
  • For subject-oriented classes: Sessions are customized to research assignments, and can focus on selected specific concepts: finding scholarly journals, for instance.
  • For HRD classes: see Scheduling HRD Classes tab above.

Scheduling Library Instruction Sessions

To schedule library instruction, email Danielle Walkup (, or the librarian account (

Synchronous Sessions

  • Librarians can conduct a research session in person in the 14-computer library classroom, or online through Zoom. 
    • A Zoom session works really well with library instruction sessions. The session uses Zoom, Zoom's chat, the library's webpage, and require database searching by the students. Students can use their own computers to log in, save results and post chat responses. Especially for larger classes that may not safely or comfortably fit in the 14-computer library classroom, this is an excellent option.
  • Email the librarian account ( to arrange the session. Have several possible dates available. Popular slots fill up quickly. The sooner you contact the library, the more likely you will get your first choice of times.
    • Schedule classes prior to the start of the semester to allow enough time for proper preparation and adjustments to librarians' work and life schedules. Sessions are taught by a variety of SUNY Adirondack librarians, depending on their subject expertise, availability, work schedules, the class schedule for the day, the time of day and faculty requests. Some librarians work part-time and have limited availability.
  • Before the session, please prepare students:
    • Students must understand the assignment and have research topics for the hands-on time to be useful.
    • Provide their topics to the librarian at least a week in advance so the librarian has sufficient time to prepare material, select databases, update the class research guide and create searches to demonstrate.
  • Discuss your learning priorities for your research assignment with the librarian leading the session. We can realistically and effectively teach students a certain number of major research concepts in one class session.
  • You may schedule more than one session.


Asynchronous Sessions

  • Librarians can create customized research guides for your assignments that you can post in Brightspace.
  • Email the librarian account ( prior to the start of the semester, with a timeline for the guide to be completed, a copy of the research assignment, possible research topics, and your learning objectives for the session. 
  • A librarian will develop a research guide for your class and consult with you as needed.

Before and During Your Session

In class the week before the session: 

  • Ask students to go directly to the library for the session, by the normal start time for your class. They should gather near the Library Services Desk on the library's main floor. 
  • If the library instruction class is scheduled to take place on Zoom, please send your students the link to the Zoom session 
    • Make sure the librarian also has this link, along with screen sharing enabled 

During the session:

- We start on time.  Plan to start promptly at the normal class time, to respect those who are show up on time, whether it's a Zoom or in-person class. For an in-person class, bring the class to the Library Services Desk to meet the librarian.

-  The instructor is an active participant in the class, answering questions, clarifying assignment questions and topics, and assisting students during the practice periods in class. Students see you as a role model. Please do not correct papers, use your phone, read, chat while the librarian is talking, or occupy a classroom computer to do your own personal research.

- Remind students to take notes. They should bring their assignment, topics, and note-taking material to class.

- Learning to research involves practice. Remind students that they probably don't "already know all this" because they visited the library before.

  • Sessions are customized for the research needs of the specific class and assignment.
  • New subject-specific resources are introduced in each class.
  • Just as one does not become a good writer after writing once, or a great baseball player after playing once, a violin virtuoso after practicing once ... one cannot be a good researcher after researching a paper once, especially in a different topic. It is a skill that is constantly improved with experience.


Library instruction for courses offered at the Saratoga Branch Campus

Librarians are available to teach live sessions via Zoom, or you can have your students come to the Library at the Queensbury campus for an instruction session. We can also set up an asynchronous lesson or create a library research guide, if you would like. All library instruction sessions must be booked prior to the start of the semester.

Information Literacy at SUNY Adirondack

SUNY Adirondack Library’s library instruction program teaches information skills to faculty, students and staff. The concept is more broadly known as information literacy. It is defined as:     
      - knowing when information is needed,
     - knowing how to find information,
     - evaluating the information using critical thinking skills,
     - using the information appropriately in an ethical and legal manner, and
     - communicating the information effectively in various formats.

The U.S. Department of Labor, SUNY, college re-accreditation organizations such as Middle States and other key agencies state that strong information literacy skills are increasingly required for success in education, careers and life. The ability to find and use information well, to solve everyday problems and educate oneself, is an invaluable life-long skill. 

By collaborating with librarians, faculty can ensure that students will be better prepared for the future in a rapidly changing, information-driven world.

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