High Schools and BOCES Groups

Please review this page if your school would like to visit the SUNY Adirondack Library. (Not available during 2020-2021 academic year due to pandemic.)

School Visits to the SUNY Adirondack Library

Scheduling visits:

  • Classes from area high schools and BOCES may schedule a visit to the SUNY Adirondack Library when college classes are not in session. College breaks are listed on the college's Academic Calendar.
  • Visits are subject to library faculty availability during January break, spring break week in mid-March and late May to June. Librarians work part-time or have time off during college breaks.
  • College classes and events have priority scheduling.
  • Unscheduled classes that arrive unannounced cannot be accommodated.
  • The college's food services areas are generally not open during semester breaks.

To prepare for a visit:

  • Instructors should email the librarian account (librarian@sunyacc.edu) for more information several weeks or months before the possible visit, to arrange dates, provide assignments and topics and arrange other details. 
  • Instructors must provide the specific research assignment, student topics and discuss the research goals of the visit at least two weeks before the visit. 
  • The instructor(s) should obtain a community borrower card before the visit to borrow books for the students. Instructors may provide their school contact information to the librarian, who will give the information to the library staff to create a circulation record and card in advance.
  • Students can upload electronic information to Google Drive or bring flash drives to download or scan material to save time and paper.  If the students want to photocopy material at 10 cents a page, they should bring change for the library's one copier. Students cannot email database links because a college network account is required to open the links.
  • Students and faculty are expected to abide by the code of conduct listed in the Student Handbook, linked below. 

High School and BOCES Classes: Borrowing Books

  • The instructor(s) will borrow books for high school/BOCES students during the visit. Instructors should obtain a community borrower card before the visit.
  • The library recommends that instructors limit each student to one or two books, and inform students about this in advance. Students can meet the instructor(s) at the Library Services Desk at a mid-point during the visit to check out books, to avoid a last-minute rush. 
  • The Library Services Desk staff will give the instructor a printed list of the borrowed books at the end of the visit.
  • Books can be returned in person or through the library's Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS) courier system.
  • The school will be sent a bill for any unreturned overdue books. The school is responsible for paying for any unreturned material. 
  • To ensure that the material gets returned, the instructor may require students to use the college's books in their classroom only, or put the material on reserve in the high school library.

Review the Faculty Guidelines section of the Scheduling Library Sessions page: 


  • Please do not use your phone, correct papers, read, chat while the librarian is talking, or occupy a classroom computer to do your own personal research. Students see you as a role model.
  • Remind students to take notes. They should bring the assignment, topics, note paper and writing instruments.
  • Thwart discipline problems in class. Inappropriate classroom behavior includes those who talk or text when the librarian is teaching. Those are learning distractions.
  • Grade students on their participation and actions during this session. When it’s tied to a grade, students pay stricter attention, interact more readily, and learn more.

About Campus Visits

Please review this page if your school would like to visit the SUNY Adirondack Library.

  • Because sessions are only offered during college breaks, the earliest time available may be January of 2022 and depend on the college's pandemic guidelines at the time.
  • If you are teaching ENG101 for SUNY Adirondack at an area high school, please use these directions:

Accessibility Statement