The "Start Your Research Here" meta-search box above does a broad, shallow search of 100+ article databases at once.
Search examples:
To look for articles about ethical or legal issues, try a search like this. OR between similar ideas finds more results. Copy and paste the suggested phrasing below. Limit by date if wanted.
[your subject]
AND evaluat* OR reliabl* OR controvers* OR valid* OR debate* OR erroneous OR false OR disput*
Here are some search terms that work well. Ask a librarian for assistance at any point for suggestions.
Dive deeper with more specialized article databases that cover science, law and other subjects.
Here's a sample search using the Start Your Research Here search box. (AND will overlap subjects, finding results with both/all of the terms.) Limit the search to articles, books, ebooks, videos, etc. and by date.
This search will find almost 200 articles using the Start Your Research Here metasearch box. The result is linked below. (OR finds any of the synonyms.)
"Bloodstain pattern analysis"
AND criminal
AND evaluat* OR reliabl* OR controvers* OR valid* OR debate* OR erroneous OR false OR disput*