Evaluating Information: Tips, Fake News and More

How can you tell what's real and what's false news? This guide will help.

How to Spot Fake News

You can use these tips for evaluating websites, memes, social media posts, and more.


Find Real News

You can also find reputable news through the library's subscription databases. Search for your news topic in the "Start Your Research Here" box on the library's home page.

The library also gets a number of print magazines and newspapers, which can be found on the top floor of the Scoville Learning Commons. 

Fact vs. Opinion

Try Your Evaluating Skills!

Test your fake news detection skills with the links below! 


Are the following sites credible, reliable, and suitable to use for college-level research? You be the judge!

Explore More

Learn more about false news and how to spot it, as well as other related topics, such as post-truth, online advertisements, alternative facts, evaluating websites and information, online filter bubbles, misleading information, fake videos, and more.

Fact-checking Fake News

Fact-checking Help: Slideshow and More

Check out the presentation below for a few more ways to spot fake news. Try using a worksheet to help you evaluate sources. For more tips, see the fact-checking website. 

Need Help?

If you have more questions, ask a librarian! We are here to help.​

Stop by the Research Help Desk on the top floor of the Scoville Learning Commons to ask us in person, or ...

Text us: (518) 203-1073
Call us: (518) 743-2260 then ask for the Research Help Desk. 
Email us: librarian@sunyacc.edu



You’ve seen memes on Facebook and other social media platform. They can be entertaining, but they aren’t necessarily based on fact. Also, the picture and words don’t have to be related and quotes can be attributed to people other than who actually said them. Evaluate them the same way you would news or other information found online, and think before you share them.

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