To find an article about computer science & networking topics:
You can also search specific library databases to find scholarly and popular articles, encyclopedic entries, and more. Most of the library's databases are searched through the Start Your Research Here search box, but some are not.
Here are some databases that would contain information on computer science & networking topics:
Online Periodicals
Below are lists of online publications dealing with various aspects of computer science & networking. Each link leads to a list of journals and magazines that are organized alphabetically by the title of the publication. To find a specific journal or magazine, type a title, subject, or ISSN/ISBN into the search box at the top of the page. To find articles within a specific publication, type a search term into the "Search within Publication" box associated with the desired journal or magazine.
The library subscribes to many print periodicals. They are located on the top floor of the library, near the Reference Desk. Our print items are supplemented by thousands of journals and articles in our electronic databases. You can also look at industry magazine websites for related articles and news.