Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice (DEISJ) Resources Guide

This resource guide was created to provide the SUNY Adirondack campus direct access to resources that support diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice.

Discussions About Race

Black Lives Matter

Community organizers Alicia GarzaPatrisse Cullors and Ayo Tometi used the social media hashtag #BlackLivesMatter after the 2012 acquittal of George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, a 17- year-old Florida teen, and set off a movement to address the ongoing violence and killings of Black men, women and children at the hands of police (law enforcement) and vigilantes. Similar to the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement brought attention to how Black lives have been deprived of their basic human rights and dignity. The movement also challenges people to address issues of racism and inequality around the world. 

The BLM movement also helped inspire another related but equally important movement, the #SayHerName campaign. This campaign was started in 2014 by the African American Policy Forum (AAPF) and Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies (CISPS). The #SayHerName campaign brings awareness to the state violence that is visited upon Black women and girls.

Guides to Teaching BLM

Library Resources on Black Lives Matter

Accessibility Statement