Here are some books under the subject headings of "Plants, Medicinal" and also "Medicinal Plants":
- The encyclopedia of psychoactive plants: ethnopharmacology and its applications Ref. QK99.A1 R2813 2005
- The wild medicine book RS 164 .M287 2013
- Rogers, Kara. Out of nature: why drugs from plants matter to the future of humanity RS160 .R64 2012
- Freeman, Lynda W. Mosby’s complementary & alternative medicine : a research-based approach R733 .F743 2009
- Moerman, Daniel E. Native American medicinal plants: an ethnobotanical dictionary RS171 .M64 2009
- Tracy, Timothy S. Herbal products: toxicology and clinical pharmacology RA1250 .T68 2007
- PDR for herbal medicines. RS164 .P375 2007
- Foster, Steven, Desk reference to nature’s medicine RS164 .F698 2006
- Libster, Martha. Delmar’s integrative herb guide for nurses RM666.H33 L634 2002
- Blumenthal, Mark. Herbal medicine: expanded Commission E monographs RM666.H33 H37 2000
More are available in the Gale Virtual Reference Library database, streaming videos, and of course thousands of articles. Check with a reference librarian for assistance!