Adirondack Mountains

Researching topics about the Adirondack Mountains? Start here! This is also useful for researching outdoors topics.

Searching for Articles

To find magazine, journal and newspaper articles, use the Start Your Research Here box on the library's home page, limiting it to Articles

  • The search box on the home page shallowly searches about 100 of our 120 databases, linking to 80,000+ periodicals. 
    • Limit the search to peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles if wanted. 
  • Tutorial videos are below. 

Article Database Search Tips

Searching for your topic using the box in the top right corner of this page. Limit your search to articles. Here are some suggested search terms. Remember to truncate (use the asterisk, or star symbol: *) to search for all endings of words:

Adirondack* and plan*
Adirondack Park and land use
Adirondack* and all terrain vehicle*
Adirondack* and Whitewater rafting
Adirondack* and Property tax
Adirondack Park Agency
Adirondack* and Demographics
Adirondack Park
Adirondack* and Hydroelectric*
Adirondack* and River* and access*

  • If you're searching from home, log into to these databases with your college username and password.
  • When searching these databases, use the Advanced Search mode to make your search more precise.
  • To find variant endings to your search terms, consider truncating, or adding a wildcard ending, with an asterisk (*): searching for bird* finds citations with bird, birds, birding, etc.

Adirondack Explorer

The Adirondack Explorer is a non-profit news magazine "devoted to the protection and enjoyment of the Adirondack Park." Below are links to the magazine's searchable web site.

The SUNY Adirondack Library subscribes to the print magazine and keeps it for three years.

Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies


Historical Newspapers from the Library of Congress

Use this free historical American newspapers database from the Library of Congress to look for historical coverage of events in the Adirondacks.

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