For all research topics below, use the Start Your Research Here database on the library's home page to find books, articles, ebooks and videos about your subject. (You'll want at least one source for every research paper page.)
For art, artists, architecture and history of Barcelona and Catalonia, search these two databases. Use for topics such as:
For Spanish literature (such as Miguel de Cervantes and Federico García Lorca), try these library databases:
For information about Barcelona's museums (Picasso Museum, Barcelona Maritime Museum, Caixa Forum Cultural Center and Museum, more), see:
For points of interest such as Barrio Gotico (Gothic Quarter), Boqueria Market shopping, Montserrat Monastery mountain retreat, Camp Nou soccer stadium tour, 1992 Summer Olympic venue:
For Spanish films, see IMBD, but narrow with search filters:
Hospitality and Tourism:
Cultural Heritage and Identity:
Describe the role soccer (football) plays in Barcelona culture.
Culinary Arts: :
Environmental Sustainability:
Literature and Arts:
Gaudi's Artistic Influences and Style: