Google the phrase "passenger shaming" to see pages about airline passengers who violate acceptable social standards. Check out this fast-paced, humorous video to avoid being featured:
Find more like these on the library's database Films on Demand:
Search for magazine, journal and newspaper articles using these databases. Try an Advanced Search such as:
[your country]
AND etiquette or customs or cultur*
The asterisk (*) will find all endings to a word: culture, cultures, cultural. (It's a search technique called truncation, or a wildcard ending.) Other search terms you may want to try are:
Cross-cultural differences
Business etiquette
Corporate culture
International trade
International business enterprises
Business communication
These reference book chapters offer quick overviews about your country, and may offer etiquette tips. Search these from home, logging in with your username password if prompted.
You may borrow the books listed below. They are on the second floor of the library on the Queensbury campus. To find more, search the book database with the terms [your country] and guidebooks to find travel guidebooks about your country. These books will mention customs and etiquette recommendations. Some of these are electronic books that you can read on the screen.
You can also try this search: Etiquette and [your country].